Monday, June 9, 2014

Session 10: Final Project

ETEC 674: Final Project
Session 10
Option 2: Develop a Course Outline

Name: Brian Newberry

Title of Project/Assignment: FINAL PROJECT

Goal for Project/Assignment:  The objective of this project is to develop an outline for an entire online (or hybrid) course.

-Topics and objectives for each session in the class.

Description of the technologies used in each session of the class.
I decided to use a free  educational online platform to present this course. EDMODO is very much like Facebook. Users will find it easier to post and navigate through EDMODO than Wordpress. In order to present information, I will put together presentations that students can access and review.

Identify which of the three types of interactions (student-content, student-instructor, student-student) in an online class are supported by each technology.

Due to the nature of technology, students in this course will experience:
-student-content interaction by reviewing power point presentations, or listening to lectures
-Student - Instructor: Through email, and schedule phone calls.
-Student - Student : Though topic discussion posts.

Develop a description of the assessment/evaluation methods for each session of the class.
The assessments for this course are in the form of group projects, quizzes, and finally a portfolio of all the assignments. Students will be provided with rubrics for each group assignment and for the portfolio.

With EDMODO, I am able to create quizzes which I can schedule to be pushed to the students  on an specific date.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Session 9: Online Discussion

1. Identify three different technologies that support discussions in online classes. Describe each technology in terms of its ability to support worthwhile and rewarding discussions.

There are several online discussion forums available for educators. Characteristics I would require from the one I would use are:
-user-friendly (for both instructor and pupils)
-options to link to widely-used social media (such as Facebook, etc.)
-option to monitor users' responses (block or report if inappropriate)
EDMODO: has a Facebook facade, its social features are very similar to those of Facebook.
"Current uses of Edmodo include posting assignments, creating polls for student responses, embedding video clips, create learning groups, posting quizzes for students to take, and creating a calendar of events and assignments. Students can also turn in assignments or upload assignments for their teachers to view and grade. Teachers can annotate the assignments directly in Edmodo to provide instant feedback." 
-wikipedia article
Edmodo is an easy to use application, it permits instructors to post a prompt and students are allowed to respond. If inappropriate responses are posted then students can face the consequences of a lower grade as well as being set as a read-only participants. Edmodo also allows instructors to link any "assignments" to a gradebook and other recognitions known as badges.
Blogs are useful and can be user-friendly, depending on the blog service. Blogs can serve as websites and give the feeling of being up to date and active. Blogs have the convenience of being linked to most social sites, but don't necessarily give instructors the ease of keeping automatic track of grades or linking student participation to a grading system. Using blogs as discussion forums, may mean more work for the instructor specially if each student keeps it own blog. Most of the time student interaction is superficial, meaning their comments are complimentary.
FACEBOOK Another platform that may be used as a discussion forum may be a social network such as Facebook. According to some of my previous research on Facebook and eLearning, some instructors prefer "to go to where their students are at." This means, they create interest groups using Facebook, students join these groups with personal profiles of new profiles, and participate on class discussions. This method seems to work for some instructors, but like regular blogs, it does not link student interaction or students responses to any sort of gradebook feature, making more difficult for instructors to keep record of student responses.

2. Describe an eLearning context (type of class, students, and specific content) where you would advocate the use of an online discussion. Identify the technology you would use to facilitate the discussion.
Having experienced WordPress as an online platform, and now using EDMODO, I would like to link them both for my future online course. EDMODO, has so many features that make my job as an instructor easier. Discussions will be much more easier for students for it functions pretty much like Facebook. I would encourage a class discussion in pretty much all my ministry classes. I have found that encouraging students to share their personal understandings of Biblical Truths, challenges them to become more aware of their audience and therefore responsible for making their message clear. I would like to continue using a blog, I am not sure if I want to continue using WordPress, but for sure a blog where my student's meditations may be available to the public.

3. Describe how you would plan for the discussion described in question 2. For example, how would you prepare students for the discussion, structure associated presentations, plan other activities that students be doing along with the discussion, and how you would ensure that the student workload was balanced and appropriate.
I would encourage two types of discussions, one on Edmodo where students respond to teacher-led prompt, and the second type of discussion on the blog, where students comment and interact with each other.
On the Edmodo discussion, students will respond to course content posts, they will be required to respond once after every lecture, or class session.
The blog interaction will also be required, and will be two comments every two weeks.

4. Develop a set of guidelines or policies that you would give to students to help them engage successfully in the discussion.
In previous searching, I had found the following guidelines to online discussion:

This is a shared learning environment. No lurking in the cyberspace background. It is not enough to login and read the discussion thread of others. For the maximum benefit to all, everyone must contribute.
Report Glitches
Discussion forums are electronic. They break. If for any reason you experience difficulty participating, please call, email, or otherwise inform me of the issue. Chances are others are having the same problem.
Help Others                  
You may have more experience with online discussion forums than   the person next to you. Give them a hand. Show them it’s not so  hard. They’re really going to appreciate it.
Be Patient
Read everything in the discussion thread before replying. This will help you avoid repeating something someone else has already      
contributed. Acknowledge the points made with which you agree
and suggest alternatives for those with which you don’t.
Be Brief:                            
You want to be clear—and to articulate your point—without being preachy or pompous. Be direct. Stay on point. Don’t lose yourself,  or your readers, in overly wordy sentences or paragraphs.
Use Proper Writing Style
This is a must. Write as if you were writing a term paper. Correct spelling, grammatical construction and sentence structure are  expected in every other writing activity associated with scholarship and academic engagement. Online discussions are no different.
Cite Your Sources           
Another big must! If your contribution to the conversation includes the intellectual property (authored material) of others, e.g., books, newspaper, magazine, or journal articles—online or
in print—they must be given proper attribution.
Social networking and text messaging has spawned a body of linguistic shortcuts that are not part of the academic dialogue. Please  refrain from :-) faces and c u l8r’s.
Respect Diversity     
It’s an ethnically rich and diverse, multi-cultural world in which we  live. Use no language that is—or that could be construed to be— offensive toward others. Racists, sexist, and heterosexist comments and jokes are unacceptable, as are derogatory and/or sarcastic comments and jokes directed at religious beliefs, disabilities, and age.
Step carefully. Beware the electronic footprint you leave behind.  Using bold upper-case letters is bad form, like stomping around and yelling at somebody (NOT TO MENTION BEING HARD ON THE EYE).
No Flaming!
Criticism must be constructive, well-meaning, and well-articulated. Please, no tantrums. Rants directed at any other contributor are simplyunacceptable and will not be tolerated. The same goes for profanity.The academic environment expects higher-order language.
You Can't Un-Ring the Bell
Language is your only tool in an online environment. Be mindful. How others perceive you will be largely—as always—up to you. Once you’ve hit the send button, you've rung the bell.

*from Netiquette: Ground Rules for Online Discussions by Peter Connor

5. Describe and/or develop a system for assessing student participation and learning in the discussion.
Students must :
-have clear reward system for discussion participation, according to data, unless students understand the specific grade incentive that goes with their responses, students will not take the time and effort to participate.
-have guidelines for appropriate post responses to avoid or minimize comments such as compliments or plain positive comments.
-understand that responses must address the prompt.
-know that questions do not provide answers,

6. How would you prepare the instructor for participating in the discussion?
Instructors must have content ready, and for the purpose of the course I am describing, I would also have my discussion topics ready ahead of time. I would tell the instructor that he/she may deviate from original plan if students student responses are off topic or if student's express misconceptions. I would also encourage time frames for responses to be posted, that will allow instructor to comment and record students participation all at once.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Session 8: Final Project

Option 2: Develop a Course Outline In this option you will develop an outline for an entire online (or hybrid) course. 
You must include:

For my final project I will develop the course outline of a Biblical Discipleship Course for Youth Ministries. The course will be 9-10 session in length.

 I will develop:
-a Syllabus -Topics and Objectives for each session in the class.
-Choose the appropriate technology and online platform for the course
-Include the three types of interactions and will describe how to each is supported with technology.
-I will suggest a list of reading materials.
-Assessments will be throughout the sessions most like in the form of assignments completions.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Session 7: ADA Assignments

1. What are three types of disabilities that students in a course you create might have? Explain the accommodations that you would need to provide for each.

Three types of disabilities students might have in a online course are :
- Color Blindness: To accommodate students with this disability in an online class, the information provided must be displayed with high contrast, for example, the background of the screen should be a light and the font dark, and images should should not be monotone pictures. The selection of font and background color should also avoid red-green-blue combinations. Instructor should not use color to convey meaning, instead, instructor or designer should use variation in font color and size.
-Seizure: Students with propensity of having seizures also need a variety of support and accommodations. The ones suggested are related to vision. To avoid any incidents information should not be displayed as flickering images, fast moving animations or in colors or shapes that may suggest an optical illusion.
-Motor Skills: Some students deal with physical disabilities on their hands, and fingers. To give them better access to the online tools, enabling keyboard control instead of just the use of the mouse. Also, within the website, students should be able to have access to internal navigation in order to skip long sections of text, therefore avoid repetitive scrolling.

2. According to the text, what is the percentage of the population that has a visual, auditory or physical limitation? How does that compare to other sources for this information. (Please list at least one other source you found.)
 Figures on this chart(based on,
Trace R&D Center, used with permission) show the increase in disability with aging.
According to the text 29% of families in the United States have at least one family member with a disability.
Disabilities  are not limited to those born with them, or those that suffer an accident, according to "Understanding Web Accessibility" is Chapter 1 of the book Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance, published in 2006. There is an increase of disabilities in population as the population ages. As an example, in a population of 18-24 year olds, the percertage of disabilities is 9.5 while a group of seniors of 75 and older, the disability percentage booms to a 64%.
3. Identify three factors other than the actual disabilities that exist in your student population that influence how an institution or a course creator is required to address ADA in an online course.
Three factors other than the actual disabilities that influence how an institution is required to address ADA in an online course are:
Student population age factor- As mentioned in the previous answer, another factor to consider is, student age. As people age, disabilities increase.
Commitment to Accessibility- Making an online course accessible to all students is a great responsibility. In some cases, providing the option of face-to-face support, may be necessary.

4. According to the text, what is "assistive technology"? Give some examples.
Assistive technology are tools, such as equipment, software, and, or other products that may improve or enhance the capabilities of an individual with disabilities. Some examples are: Computer screen readers, electronic devices such as wheelchairs, and pencil holder among other many other tools.

5. Identify and explain two different ways to check a webpage to ensure that it meets the needs of disabled students.
The website provides a list of specific requirements a website must include. Here are two:
a) Images if used must have a text equivalent. This will ensure that students with limited or no vision are able to use the readability feature, which does not interpret images alone.
b) Documents in accessible format. Most websites make documents accessible using PDF format. The problem is that PDF files cannot be read by the screen reader, and in some cases PDF documents cannot be enlarged for better visibility.

6. Identify two types of presentations used in online courses (for example, podcasts, PowerPoints, Videos, Slide Shows, etc.) and that you might use and explain how you can ensure that each is ADA compliant.
Two types of presentations I may use in online course are podcasts and powerpoint presentations. 
A podcast, can be make accessible on text form and audio form. Students will have the option of reading it or listening to it. Also some students may chose to follow along the podcast for better comprehension.
Another type of presentation that works well is a Power Point presentation or Keynote presentation. These type of files allow instructors to deliver lecture outlines, specific information on topics. Slide presentations also allow instructors to insert videos or voice files.

7. Develop a course usability checklist that is appropriate for your anticipated needs. Use the example provided in the text as a starting point and explain your modifications.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Session 6 Assessment Vs. Evaluation

1. What is the difference between assessment and evaluation?
The terms assessment and evaluation have different definitions and roles in eLearning. Both, instructors and students must have a clear understanding of each one in order to effectively assess student learning and evaluate assessments, course work and other components of the class.
A simple definition of assessment is the process of collection student performance data in order to determine his or her level of learning. For example, a quiz on specific readings, the completion of a task written based on student knowledge.
On the other hand, I see, evaluation as the process of judging the level in which knowledge, or skills have been gained, or acquired by examining the assessment used, and the cumulative student response.

2. What are the challenges to assessment and evaluation in eLearning?
Some of the challenges instructors may encounter in eLearning are related to assessment efficiency and precision. Is the assessment tool chosen really measuring student engagement, learning and mastery of the subject? Are students following the assessment instructions, when no one is supervising? Instructors of eLearning must analyze a combination of factors to determine the best way to assess student learning and to evaluate the level of mastery.

3. Explain the possible use of an online portfolio in eLearning.
Online portfolios are type of self-assessment. In distance learning, I, find ePortfolios one of the bests tools to not only assess student learning, but to also "observe" student ownership of their learning. ePortfolios are online files that demonstrate student academic exposure, along with proof of their ability to use that knowledge to produce a marketable product. When students are introduced to ePortfolios early in a course of study, the student has been given a great chance to collect (in a central online space) work that otherwise might go unnoticed course after course. An ePortfolio allow prospective employers to examine what knowledge and skills students are acquiring prior to  employment.

4. Identify at least two ways to measure student participation in an online class and explain how you think these methods can factor into the students' grade in the course.

The textbook identifies two ways to measure student participation in online learning, one is electronic discussions, and the second one is rewarding students for using coursesite components.
For online discussions the author offers the suggestion of explaining its grading criteria early in the course. Data shows that students who are not rewarded for online discussions will choose not to participate. A clear communication on discussion expectations and grading sets the tone on the importance of student participation on this task. While rewarding students is a great incentive, rewarding them for logging onto cousesite is not the best approach. Due to system tracking limitations, students are able to manipulate the statistics of the system, resulting in altered data.
There are also other ways to measure student participation in online classes, another way would be to create opportunities for students and instructor to participate in real time chats, voice conversations in media such Talkshoe. To measure student participation on these activities, instructor may request a link to the voice recording or to the chat room or site, students met.
Providing a rubric for each activity will always be necessary.

5. Define peer evaluation and describe its advantages and disadvantages.
Peer evaluation refers to the concept of students evaluating peer's academic contribution in the completion of an online task. Peer evaluation is not only used in online settings, it is also widely common in face-to-face settings and in the corporate world.
Some of the advantages of peer evaluation is the fact that participants, may have more time to post detailed feedback to peers, whereas instructor may not. Another advantage is that students may feel more at ease to comment and make suggestions on each others' work. Resulting in an 2-way communication between the two.
A few disadvantages would include, lack of substantial feedback, mainly because students are not experts in the topic, and also student resistance to engage in evaluating the work of other students. The latter could be a result of vague communication from instructor on the student participation expectations. As in any task, peer evaluation also requires detailed and precise guidelines.


6. Describe a possible group assignment for an online class and explain how to evaluate student performance in the group assignment.

SUBJECT: 4th grade Earth Science
MATERIALS: Ipads, science notebooks

- Earth Science 4a. Students know how to differentiate among igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks by referring to their properties and methods of formation (the rock cycle).

LESSON OBJECTIVE: 4th grade students will demonstrate mastery of Rock Cycle process by creating a presentation that clearly explains it.

I. In science groups, students will conduct a short research about rock formation. They will watch 4 assigned video clips:

1) The Rock Cycle

2) The Rock Cycle

3) The Rock Cycle in Legos
4) The Rock Cycle

II. Read website information: Types of RocksRocks are not all the same!

III. Students will work together in their groups to complete a short  Quiz as evidence that they understand the rock cycle. They will print the result page and turn it in to instructor.


IV. Students will collaborate in creating a multimedia presentation (using iMovie, slide presentation, EduCreations or a PictureBook) to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the Rock Cycle. Students are to upload their presentation to the class Edmodo page. Each group will receive a copy of the activity rubric.
V. Each student must complete group collaboration form.
-Assignment Evaluation
This rubric pertains to the expected quality of work presented by the group:



The presenter did not

utilize any creative devices

in the presentation. The 

presentation resembled 

reference material and was 

monotone in overall quality.

Moderately Entertaining.

Showed some effort and 

creative attempt.

Fun, interesting, strong 

individuality of 

performer/presentation. Great 

attempt to convey the 

creative side of activity.
Rock Cycle Concepts

Rock Cycle concepts are incorrect and/or not used at all. Several (more than one) key points are missing from the Rock Cycle.

Good relevance to Rock Cycle. A few key points are missing . There were certain steps in the cycle that were missed.Time period does not realistically reflect the Rock Cycle.

Excellent relevance to what we are studying. Good job of detailing content, and display of Content knowledge. All points covered.
Oral/ visual presentation

Audio /visual 

representation showed 

little effort and presenter 

was not engaging.

Did a fair job with minor 

mistakes. Adequate 

representation of information.

Some items, scenes were 

hard to see , hear or follow.

Good volume, clear voice, 

appropriate gestures, speed 

not to fast or too slow, eye 

contact with audience, good 

inflection(not monotone), good

intro and closing.

There was little to no 

structure. It had the 

appearance of being a

rushed job with little to no 

effort or though. 

Vocabulary not correctly 


Good overall quality. The 

presentation had a general

correct flow, pace and 

connection. Most vocabulary 

and terms were used.

Excellent introduction and 

conclusion. Order makes 

sense. Good transition from 

one thing to another.
*Rubric from

Student Participation Evaluation
This form is to evaluate student participation in the completion of the project:

7. Create an online test.
8. Create a rubric or other grading aide for an online assignment.