Sunday, April 20, 2014

Session 3: Institutional Support for eLearning

Reflections about the event, specifically your thoughts on the content, method and technology used to support the guest speaker event.


Issues in Designing e-Courses 

Most common challenges listed on the Designing online courses included Instructor's idea that their present course could just be "converted to online course. " One the chapter in the book that about the steps to take when starting to work with LMS. The first steps were about being concious about the time and commitment the process demands.
Another mistake instructors make is not being able to accurately predict the time and effort students will need to complete course tasks. For the most part, Instructors give unrealistic amounts of reading. Students then find themselves unable to do as much as is demanded.
ADA Compliance is a huge responsibility for the University; Instructors must be aware of what the requirements are and learn what methods to use to meet the standards. Making the Institution should provide instructors with techare to be accessible to all learners.
Two very important components in online learning, are the course objective and the assessments. According to Dr. Monighan, not being able to use multiple measures to assess online students is an common issue.

CHALLENGES for instructors
-Convert my course
-Components of modules should be long
-ADA Compliance
-How to structure multiple measure assessments
-How to manage time (group dynamics)

Is there an expectation difference from younger students than older students?
-Not so much in the academics. Younger students may have the ability to create multimedia, but are not  critical about technology use in academic research. Even if they are coming into the program with the ability to record or manipulate media, they are still in need to be informed of the media available and how to choose the appropriate media for the task.
-Degradation of communication skills thru email.
Also students today seemed unable to communicate effectively through email. Instead they choose to express through methods like short incomplete thoughts (text message like) in informal way
-Rubric for evaluation online course: It is different than a face to face, what really seem to matter is the objective and assessment components of the course are on the same page, and the learning is happening.
-Rise of Hybrid class and the rise of the flipped classroom an exciting idea, one clear benefit of blackboard discussions is the ability the instructor has to expect almost 100% participation.  Students seem to participate more in online blackboard discussions than they would do, in a face to face class, since all students are required to contribute to the post they will do. In the traditional face to face setting, it is almost certain that a few dominant speakers will lead the class discussion.

The standard of typical online course at CSUSB is a ten-week long course with ten modules. Instructors have access to Blackboard as a means of delivering and providing course documents and other materials. Some of these may be in the form of audio files, video files, pdf files, powerpoint presentations or Youtube links to tutorials. Students are also allowed to submit responses by uploading files onto Blackboard. Instructors also the freedom to create their own websites and or use other LMS options such as Moodle.


This is the second opportunity to use Talkshoe as a means of meeting in a synchronous online session. I am not sure, but I kind of gathered that students that joined the conversation with cell phones had  different login problems than the students that called form a land line. Personally, I prefer to use Talkshoe over Skype because of the free calling option that the user has. On Thursday, I was in a place where I did not have internet access, and I did not want to use my phone as a hotspot, I decided to call as a means to join the conversation. At first, though I connected, I thought I only had limited access, since my password was not accepted. I went ahead and connected using my phone's hotspot. Once I was logged using the internet, I was able to type (ask) questions about connecting using my phone. I tried again and it worked.
My next investigation is to find if Talkshoe users abroad are also given access to a local phone number they can use to join conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Let us know what you find out on out-of US users of Talkshoe!
