A review of two new media tools, one that would support a described eLearning activity and one that would not support that same activity with a discussion about the differences between the two tools that make on suitable and one unsuitable to support your described activity.
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-Media Theory
-Compare LMS
Just prior to returning to the IT program, in December 2014, I found myself seaching for an online platform where I could make course material available to students. I knew, I needed a place where students could interact by posting and commenting on each others work. For sure, I did not want to build a website, I then remember about a blog I kept on Wordpress as part of a church website. During the course of my investigation, I was also starting my ETEC 541 course where Dr. Newberry, the instructor, required we post our assignments on a blog. For ETEC 541, I decided to use www.blogger.com. I felt blogger was easier to use and less complicated, for it seemed to have less features than Wordpress did.
Experiencing the simplicity of Blogger, I understood that using it to build the virtual classroom were slim. That alone encouraged me to opt for Wordpress. As I began to use Wordpress to build the interactive platform I envisioned, I realized, this blog had enough features, that I could make it into almost a website. I did. I use the pages, to post different information about the class and also the students. Wordpress gave me option of choosing which page would be the active blog, I decided to place the student blog as the third tab on the menu, making the first HOME, a static page with a welcome message, the second tab ABOUT, which gives an explanation of why the blog exists, and third, the BLOG, which is the only "active page".
Other features, I felt I needed to integrate on this eLearning-blog, were a link to an online gradebook, a link to information about the instructor, and the course documents.
Unknowingly , I was attempting to replicate a LMS/CMS system. I used my knowlegde and experience as an educator, and set out to build an online space where I would be able to interact, grade, and provide a student to student interaction for my pupils. Another reason I knew, I had to have an online "meeting space" and not only rely on physical, real time meetings, is that my students live in different places from Whittier, CA to San Diego,CA, to Indio,CA to El Salvador in Central America. ![]() SUPPORT TO eLEARNING Using a blog, as a means to deliver instruction, allowed me to accomplished the following objectives: i. Student-Instructor Interaction I gave feedback to students on their posts, and provided course documents, and other resources in the form of audio file, google docs, or online links to more information regarding the course topics. ii. Student-Content Interaction Students had access to all course material, including syllabus, course schedule, online forms, google documents, lectures in the form of mp3 files, powerpoint presentation of each class session. I also included a list of online resources and readings. iii. Student-Student Interaction Inevitably, students learned to blog...some, only using their cell phones, and as the course required, they also posted two comments every two weeks. Some students posted more than others, but most of them did what was required. The online student-Student interaction also had a real-life impact on the relationships these specific learners formed. Most of the students, did not know each other, other than being informally greeting or seeing each other at church during Sunday service. Another factor that I would like to mention is the age range of the students; 18 year old- early 60's. A few of the younger students took it upon themselves to learn Wordpress in order to help the rest of the group during their required study sessions. The dynamics of the group changed. Everyone turned into a valuable resource, the youth became a technical support to the older students, and the older students, in a way stood as spiritual mentors to the younger students who approached them to hear on their input for Biblical interpretation and life experiences. On the blog, you will see, interaction between Spanish blogger and English posts and viceversa. HIGHLIGHT Building a strong student-student interaction was key to the success of this course. I, in the Student-Instructor, became a resource of clarification of content and assignments. Content was always available to them online. I would say, I could not have been able to teach and accomplished the objective of the course without the experience the student-student support and communication created. |
-supports eLearning?
| I mentioned above, my reason why choosing Wordpress over Blogger. As a designer, I had many more options and extra tools that suited my design. My students on the other hand felt so overwhelm trying to figure out how to login, and to accept my invitation to become an author. When registering onto Wordpress means a list of things to do, 1. by registering the new user also gets a blog, that they have to set up, even if they will not use it. 2. In order to start posting, my students had to receive an invitation from my blog. 3. Also if they wanted their own picture to appear of their comments, they had to also register with gavatar.com, other wise they get a generic avatar. 4. Another frustration was for students to post on the right blog. It is was confusing and many of my students ended up posting their assignments on their personal blog. Due to may experience, I would say a generic Wordpress blog is conducive of learning and delivering information online, and a great place to create or host student-student interaction as long as there is enough technical support for the blogger. Here are some of the student evaluation of the course. |
-Wordpress teacher plugings
I also found this Blog Platform Comparison Chart, useful for future educational blogs.
-Media Theory
-Compare LMS
About three weeks into our Bible counseling course, one of the students, introduced me to a phone application, where she was created a group chat for the class!
For me, Groupme, meant easier access to everyone. For example, the few times, I needed to communicate with the students, I had to text, because most of them do not use email. I would text iphone user with my macbook using text it to Android users with my iphone...it was time consuming. Groupme is an app available to both iphones and Android devices, even computers. After joining the Groupme chat, I was able to see informal interaction among the students, and read (in real time) about issues they were facing, and how they helped and encouraged each others. I was also able to push Power Points presentations, Youtube videos, and or other course documents they would not have accessed if I would have emailed them. Groupme gave my students and myself an opportunity to interact without the formality and rigor of the blog. |
-supports eLearning?
| A downside to using this app, was the fact that not all my students were willing to learn to use it. Out of my 21 students, about 14 did use it, and the rest did not. For some, it was because of the type of internet service they had, the app would not load or get the messages, others just did not want to deal with another "login process". |
Hi, I thought I posted on your blog, but when I came back it was not showing. Anyway, I am really impressed the way your students ended up supporting each other with their strengths. I am also impressed with how your used the blog as a LMS. I am wondering why you didn't use an LMS instead?
Hello Laura,
Deletegood question, as I mentioned on the blog, I just returned to the IT masters program about four month ago. I did not know there were free LMS systems available, I knew of Blackboard and had read about Udemy.com but did not want my students to have to pay through their system, plus I need the freedom to post my information in English and Spanish. During the winter quarter, in ETEC 541
we covered more on the eLearning design. It was not until I read our textbook that I realized what LMS systems are. It was exciting to see how, unknowingly, I was reinventing the wheel :). It has been a great experience!
I have used edublog before and found it very user friendly, but did not try to load documents to it.I believe Wordpress owns it and it looks very similar. I find WP to be kind of frustrating at time. It is not always intuitive and the help is useless.
You have expressed the frustration my students felt with Wordpress. It is in my plan to continue testing different blogs.
ReplyDeleteNice post this week. I have to say, I hadn't really considered my inability to post documents (aside from images) until last week when we had to post a sample item.
Keep up the good work,
Thank you Michelle, appreciate you stopping by. Jenny
ReplyDeleteYou raise a good point, that you can combine social media to fit this purpose. If you string several together, you'll get features that one may be missing. I like how you combined blog, GrouoMe and Facebook to promote student-student interaction. Good job!
DeleteYes, I see that need educators have to learn about tools available to enhance students success. I really liked David's Global Penetration of Social Platforms, which shows the need people of different cultures have to customized technology to meet their needs and costums. Likewise, educators will continue to make use of social media, and technology to effectively deliver instruction.
Very nicely done! I liked the specificity of purpose you related and the critical reviews of various technologies. Blogs are good tools and they can be used for a variety of things with varying degrees of success. Sometimes there are better choices and part of learning is to continue to evolve your understanding of the tools and continuing to improve your uses of the tools and continuing to make the best choices of the tools that are available.
ReplyDeletethank you ;)
DeleteYes, I was wondering what the differences were, I thought I'd build a wordpress site for my 4th grade classroom. I would be able to post online quizzes, and keep my parents updated... Check out my online assessment on session 6.