ETEC 674: Final Project
Session 10
Option 2: Develop a Course Outline
Name: Brian Newberry
Title of Project/Assignment: FINAL PROJECT
Goal for Project/Assignment: The objective of this project is to develop an outline for an entire online (or hybrid) course.
-Topics and objectives for each session in the class.
Description of the technologies used in each session of the class.
I decided to use a free educational online platform to present this course. EDMODO is very much like Facebook. Users will find it easier to post and navigate through EDMODO than Wordpress. In order to present information, I will put together presentations that students can access and review.
Identify which of the three types of interactions (student-content, student-instructor, student-student) in an online class are supported by each technology.
Due to the nature of technology, students in this course will experience:
-student-content interaction by reviewing power point presentations, or listening to lectures
-Student - Instructor: Through email, and schedule phone calls.
-Student - Student : Though topic discussion posts.
Develop a description of the assessment/evaluation methods for each session of the class.
The assessments for this course are in the form of group projects, quizzes, and finally a portfolio of all the assignments. Students will be provided with rubrics for each group assignment and for the portfolio.
With EDMODO, I am able to create quizzes which I can schedule to be pushed to the students on an specific date.
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